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Mythology 19 The Labors of Heracles Pt. 1: The N ...

  •  English    10     Public
    Week 19 Greek Mythology for ESL students.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Name three of Heracles' family members and how they're related.
    Zeus (father), Alcmene (mother), Amphitryon (adoptive father), Eurystheus (cousin/uncle), Perseus (great-grandfather), etc.
  •  15
  • Name two of the four highlighted places on our mythology map from today's class.
    Thebes, Mycenae, Argolis, Tiryns.
  •  20
  • Who's this? How's she related to today's myth?
    Eilytheia, goddess of childbirth + midwifery; hastened birth of Eurystheus (+ slowed births of Heracles + Iphicles).
  •  25
  • What's this? How's it related to today's myth?
    The Milky Way; created when milk sprayed from Hera's breast after the vigorous feeding of Heracles.
  •  20
  • What's this? How's it related to today's myth?
    The Oracle (of Apollo) at Delphi; told Heracles to obey Eurystheus and perform his labors.
  •  20
  • Who are these monsters? How are they related to today's myth?
    Typhon & Echidna; parents of Nemean Lion.
  •  25
  • Tell us three facts about the Nemean Lion.
    Wow, you really know your stuff! / Sorry, we were looking for...
  •  20
  • How did King Eurystheus react to Heracles' successful slaying of the Nemean Lion?
    He was terrified, thought it was alive, hid in an urn/vat/jar/vase.
  •  10
  • Describe this fight scene.
    Wow, you really know your stuff! / Sorry, we were looking for...
  •  15
  • What was the most interesting thing you learned in class today? Why?
    Cool, thanks for sharing! / Wow, do you really not know?
  •  10