Game Preview

Reading Chapter1

  •  English    9     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Why did everybody behave correctly all the time?
    because the Thought Police might be watching and listening
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  • Where did Winston work? What was his Ministry responsible for?
    The Ministry of Truth was called Minitrue in Newspeak, where people worked mainly on news and entertainment.
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  • What was the Ministry of Love — Miniluv responsible for?
    for law and order.
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  • Why was nothing illegal?
    as there were no laws now
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  • Why were all the workers to the center of the hall?
    for the Two Minutes Hate
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  • Why did Winston dislike this woman?
    The young women were always most loyal to the Party and were happiest to spy on others.
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  • Who did he notice near the girl? Why was Winston interested in this man?
    O'Brien. There was sometimes an intelligence in his face that suggested - perhaps - that he might question the official Party beliefs
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  • What was Newspeak?
    Newspeak, the new language of Oceania.
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  • Where did he buy the diary?
    an old-fashioned shop in a poor part of the town.
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