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  •  English    20     Public
    Answer questions about each other. You get points if that friend confirms its correct! Be precise and honest bishes
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  • What is Cecilia's number one cereal of choice? (Before she was gluten free :( )
    Life cereal
  •  20
  • Danny is drunk at 3:00 am and needs to sober up. What food will you feed him to help recover and avoid that hangover??
    Ronnie confirms
  •  20
  • What is the most common Ron Rivera catch phrase?
    BIIIIIIIIIITCH lol jk he can check
  •  20
  • You have to pick out a complimentary, luxury designer brand outfit for Janis, what brand will you choose?
    Janis confirms
  •  20
  • What is Olga's alcoholic beverage of choice?
    Olga confirms
  •  20
  • What is George's greatest pet peeve?
    George confirms
  •  20
  • What is Selena's favorite theatre candy?
    Selena confirms
  •  20
  • Which one of our friends is most likely to secretly like golf?
    players vote on the answer
  •  20
  • Selena is planning her 30th birthday, what's the theme?
    Selena confirms
  •  25
  • Olga has a flat tire. Which one of us does she call for help?
    Olga confirms
  •  20
  • George is preparing his costume for the next Anime MKE convention. What is his costume if money is no object?
    George confirms
  •  20
  • If Cecilia could go to any Awards ceremony/Red carpet Event, which one would she pick?
    The Met Gala
  •  20
  • Which one of our friends will probably have the best collection of bathroom magazines to read whilst on the royal throne?
    players vote on answer
  •  25
  • What is Danny's starbucks coffee order?
    Danny confirms
  •  20
  • Ronnie is secretly a hoarder and his basement is filled with a very specific collection of.......
    Ronnie confirms
  •  20
  • What side dish is Lauren volunteering to bring to Friendsgiving? (can't be store bought)
    Lauren confirms
  •  20