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Grade 8 Final Exam

  •  English    97     Public
    Review the semester material
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A Place to Call Home: Research shows that most immigrants to the United States..
    want to try living in a different country
    plan to return to their birth country
    feel that they made a mistake in moving
    say they are happy with their decision
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  • A Place to Call Home: Which of the following does the report say was surprising to many immigrants?
    There is little respect for American laws and customs.
    Life in the U.S.A is a lot like what is shown in movies
    lt takes a lot of hard work to succeed in the United States.
    They rarely see others from their birth countries.
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  • A Place to Call Home: The authors suggest that recent immigrants telephone friends and relatives in their birth countries more often because
    they are asking for money to pay expenses.
    technology makes it easier and cheaper.
    they want to practice speaking English.
    most are planning to return to their birth countries
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  • A Place to Call Home: Which visual features did the authors use to present their ideas?
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  • A Place to Call Home: What is “American exceptionalism”?
    the policy of screening immigrants
    the idea that America is a unique country
    the idea that Americans think they are superior
    the policy of accepting everyone
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  • New Immigrants Documentary: The documentary shows...
    the reasons St. Luke's is better than Newcomers High School
    St. Luke's students visit students at Newcomers High School
    the steps to follow to make a video diary.
    the advantages that immigrants experience.
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  • New Immigrants Documentary: All of the students at Newcomers High School...
    will later attend St. Luke's.
    want to become filmmakers.
    plan to return to their birth country.
    are recent immigrants to America.
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  • New Immigrants Documentary: What do vou learn from students' video diaries?
    what their lives were like in their birth countries
    what they think of the students from St. Luke's
    what they need to do to get a good job
    what their parents think about life in the United States
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  • New Immigrants Documentary: What makes the students from St. Luke's different from those at Newcomers?
    St. Luke's students live in New York.
    St. Luke's students are learning to speak English
    St. Luke's students were born in the United States.
    St. Luke's students are experienced filmmakers.
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  • New Immigrants Documentary: What is one purpose of the film?
    to share entertaining stories about students' lives
    to express feelings about the importance of education
    to tell why students came to the United States
    to persuade viewers to donate money to Newcomers
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  • The Monkey's Paw: What is this stories genre?
    Comedy/ humor
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  • The Monkey's Paw: In ''The Monkey's Paw'', how does the White family end up with the monkey's paw?
    A man from Herbert's work brings it to his parents.
    Sergeant-Major Morris brings it to the house.
    It appears in the fire.
    The family found it in their home.
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  • The Monkey's Paw: Sergeant-Major Morris suggests to the Whites that the monkey’s paw brings
    Good luck
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  • The Monkey's Paw: After making a wish, Mr. White swore the paw”
    Changed size
    Said something
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  • The Monkey's Paw: What ca we infer about the fakir?
    The fakir was a fraud/cheater.
    The fakir wanted innocent people to die.
    The fakir only imagined the power of the monkey’s paw and it
    The fakir was correct in his belief about fate.
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  • The Monkey's Paw: How did Herbert feel about the paw at the beginning of the story?
    He doesn’t believe it is magical.
    He is afraid of it
    He believes it will grant wishes.
    He thinks it is evil.
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