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BQ Day 2, Theme 2

  •  English    12     Public
    Our Faith
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • True or False: Though I sin, I don't have to worry because God's loving character will cause him to overlook my sin.
    False. God can’t tolerate sin, and he can’t simply ignore it. Habakuk 1:13; Romans 3:23-26; Nahum 1:3.
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  • I can atone for/ undo my sins by giving my life to God in service to him. True or False
    False. Our sinful offenses against God can’t be atoned for by any good works we do, stained by death. Service to him isn’t enough to escape the death we deserve
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  • True or False: My sin separates me from God and because of my sin I deserve to die and face God's wrath/ anger.
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  • If a person's sins are not forgiven through the death of Christ, they will face God's anger and punishment. True or False
    True. Christ’s death frees us from the death we’ve earned because of our sin and appeases God’s wrath toward us. Romans 5:9-10; 6:23.
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  • God is the author of the Bible. True or False.
    True. Paul writes that “all Scripture is breathed out by God” (2 Timothy 3:16). Scripture, then, is God speaking God’s words.
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  • The Bible tells me everything I need to know to be saved and live a life that pleases God. True or False
    True. Scripture is “able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:14-17). True. Scripture equips people “for every good work”
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  • The New Testament corrects the Old Testament. True or False .
    : False. Since God is the ultimate source of all Scripture, it is a unified whole.The New Testament expands on and explains the Old Testament,but never corrects
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  • It is possible that God will speak again and add new books to the Bible. True or False
    False. The Bible is God’s full and final revelation. God’s speech through Christ, recorded as the New Testament, is his full and final revelation for thisperio
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  • God gave us the Bible so that we might come to know him through faith in Jesus Christ. True or False
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  • The ultimate focus of the Bible is Christians. True or False
    False. The ultimate focus of the Bible is the person and work of Jesus. Jesus Himself says so in John 5:39 and Luke 24:25-27.
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  • Every person born has been a sinner except one—Jesus. True or False
    True. Everyone has sinned (Romans 3:23) except Jesus, who is human like us, “yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15).
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  • 17. During the Last Supper, what two things represented Jesus's body and blood? a. Bread and wine b. Potatoes and gravy c. Locusts and honey d. Fish and chips
    A. Bread and wine
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