Game Preview

Kate new

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  •  English    21     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Вони будуть мити посуд завтра.
    They will wash the dishes tomorrow.
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  • Він міг бігати в парку вчора.
    He could run in the park yesterday.
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  • Він буде одягати білі шкарпетки через 10 хвилин.
    He will put on white socks in ten minutes.
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  • Чи може він робити домашнє завдання на кухні?
    Can he do homework in the kitchen?
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  • Він міг з'їсти велику піцу в кафе вчора.
    He could eat a big pizza in the cafe yesterday.
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  • She ______ sweep the floor in the kitchen every day.
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  • He _______ do homework tomorrow.
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  • ______he run in the park two days ago?
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  • My grandma ______ listen to music four days ago.
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  • My sister _____ bake a big tasty pizza in the kitchen tomorrow.
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  • My brother _____ play football with friends at the stadium two days ago.
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  • She _____ eat a tasty ice cream in the park tomorrow.
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  • She ______ a beautiful teddy bear.
    has got
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  • She _____ a small kitten.She _____ feed her kitten in ten minutes.
    has got/ will
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  • My friends _____ dance at the concert yesterday.
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  • She _____ a big green juicy apple.
    has got
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