Game Preview

2. School Collocations

  •  English    26     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Hacer deberes: He always ______ his _______ before playing games.
    He always *does his homework* before playing games.
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  • Hacer una carrera universitaria: She wants to _______ in computer science.
    She wants to *do a degree* in computer science.
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  • Ir a casa: After school, I _______ straight _______ to relax.
    After school, I *go* straight *home* to relax.
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  • Hacer/tomar un descanso: We usually _______ after two hours of studying.
    We usually *have/take a break* after two hours of studying.
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  • Divertirse: We _______ during the school trip.
    We *had fun* during the school trip.
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  • Hacer amigos: She quickly _______ with her classmates.
    She quickly *made friends* with her classmates.
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  • Prestar atención: Please _______ to the teacher during the lesson.
    Please *pay attention* to the teacher during the lesson.
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  • Salir hacia la escuela: We _______ for school early in the morning to avoid traffic.
    We *set off* for school early in the morning to avoid traffic.
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  • Ganar dinero: Many teenagers have part-time jobs to _______.
    Many teenagers have part-time jobs to *earn money*.
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  • Trabajar en grupos: The students were assigned to _______ for the project.
    The students were assigned to *work in groups* for the project.
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  • Suspender un examen: I don't want to _______ the maths exam again.
    I don't want to *fail* the maths exam again.
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  • Aprobar un examen: She studied hard and managed to _______ the science exam.
    She studied hard and managed to *pass* the science exam.
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  • Hacer un examen: Students will _______ the final exam next week.
    Students will *take* the final exam next week.
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  • Cometer un error: Don't be afraid to _______; it's part of the learning process.
    Don't be afraid to *make a mistake*; it's part of the learning process.
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  • Tomar apuntes: It's important to _______ clear and organised _______ during class.
    It's important to *make* clear and organised *notes* during class.
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  • Tener buena memoria: He _______ and easily remembers facts and figures.
    He *has a good memory* and easily remembers facts and figures.
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