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Esperanza Rising: Book Review

  •  English    38     Public
    Review of the whole novel
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  • In the beginning of the novel, what do Papa and Esperanza listen to the heartbeat of?
    The land
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  • When it starts, what is the setting of the novel? (time and place)
    Aguascalientes, Mexico (El Rancho de las Rosas) in 1930
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  • When was Papa ambushed by bandits and murdered?
    On the day before Esperanza's birthday
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  • Why didn't Esperanza and Mama stay in the house after Papa's death?
    The house burned down
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  • Why does Tio Luis want Mama to marry him?
    He wants Mama's influence and respect in the community.
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  • How did Esperanza, Mama, and Abuelita know that Tio Luis had arranged the fire?
    He told Mama she would regret her decision not to marry him.
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  • After the fire, why does Mama tell Tio Luis she will marry him?
    She wants him to think that he has won so she can run away.
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  • What is in the package Miguel and Alfonso carry on the train?
    Roses from Papa's garden
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  • What is a phoenix?
    A mythical bird that comes back to life out of its ashes
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  • What fruit did Esperanza, Mama, and Hortensia hide under in the wagon on the way to the US?
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  • Which of the following is NOT something Esperanza has to learn in her new home: how to sweep, how to change a diaper, how to make a yarn doll, or how to cook?
    How to make a yarn doll
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  • Which character does Esperanza dislike when she first arrives in California?
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  • Which is NOT used as a metaphor in the story: zig-zagging blanket, roses and thorns, a big river, or a valise carrying a doll?
    A valise carrying a doll
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  • Why did the sky look so strange one afternoon in California?
    A dust storm was coming
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  • Which DOESN'T Abuelita's blanket of zig zag rows represent: life has its ups and downs, warmth and wellness for Isabel, Esperanza should not be afraid to start over, or Esperanza's memories of her grandmother?
    Warmth and wellness for Isabel
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  • Which of these is NOT a reason why Mama becomes depressed: Esperanza must go to work, Papa dies, she misses her mother, or her house burns down?
    Esperanza must go to work
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