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    Antihistamine drugs in veterinary setting
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  • Histamine is a complex amine that has 4 receptors with multiple physiologic pathways. Describe the main differences in action between H1 and H2 histamine receptors.
    H1 : Vasodilation, bronchochonstriction, cellular migration, nociception, CNS excitation. H2 : gastric acid secretion, vascular permeability, and airway mucous
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  • What chemical attribute of H1 antagonists allows them to cross the BBB?
    Lipophilicity (lipid soluble) and very small chemical structure
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  • What is anaphylaxis on a pathophysiologic level?
    A large amount of IgE binding to mast cells, release a large quantity of histamine and other inflammatory mediators. hypotension + bronchocon.
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  • Adrenaline is a physiologic antagonist to anaphylaxis. Why not use JUST H1 antihistamines as a receptor antagonist?
    Long Onset of action, might be dead already. May not just be from histamine mediation, possibly also cytokines and eicosanoids.
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  • When is it appropriate to just use H1 antihistamine for a reaction?
    Hypersensitivity reactions from vaccinations (esp when given with glucocorticoids). Less intense and longer duration of action than adrenaline.
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  • Why should we not give H1 antihistamines via IV?
    CNS EXCITEMENT!! Can cause immediate seizures and excitability of CNS, as well as a rapid sedation effect
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  • H1 Antagonists First generation is:
    Chlorpheniramine. Important to help lower corticosteroid doses in chronic atopy, as well as allergies. Crosses BBB
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  • H1 Antagonists Second generation is:
    Cetirizine. Less lipophilicity, less BBB action, no on-label use yet.
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  • Pruritis has been connected to one interleukin in particular. Which one is it?
    IL-31! Message sent to the brain which is interpreted as itchiness
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  • I'm a Janus kinase inhibitor. I can help sooth that intractable itch, but won't find the cure. You might like to use me when glucocorticoids aren't a good option, but NEVER with!
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  • What does vetmab stand for?
    Veterinary monoclonal antibody
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  • Like my well known friend, I too can help your itchy pooch. Except I'm better, faster, stronger (fewer SE). I help with canine atopy and pyoderma too! You get me as a powder, but once I'm reconstituted I can work wonders for up to a month
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