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Mindset 2 Unit 7 Education Systems

  •  English    17     Public
    Vocabulary for Education Systems
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  • A school that receives no money from the government and where the education of the students is paid for by their parents (trường tư)
    Private school (noun)
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  • A school that is paid for by the government and provides free education (trường công)
    Public school (noun)
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  • To broaden your horizons (verb phrase)
    To increase the range of one’s knowledge and experience (mở rộng tầm mắt). I read books and travel to broaden my horizons.
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  • To fall behind with studies (verb phrase)
    To be slower compared with other students (trễ nải trong học tập). My grades are getting lower and lower. I'm falling behind in my studies.
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  • To learn something by memorizing it (học thuộc lòng)
    To learn something by heart (verb phrase). Students need to learn the periodic table by heart.
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  • To participate in an examination (làm bài thi/ kiểm tra)
    To take/sit an exam (verb phrase). Candidates for supervisory jobs must take / sit a written exam.
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  • A private teacher, especially one who teaches an individual student or a very small group.
    Tutor (noun). Gia sư.
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  • The money that you pay to be taught, especially in a college or university
    Tuition fees (noun). (tiền học, học phí). He won't be able to finish his education unless someone pays his tuition fees.
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  • A person who already holds a first degree and who is doing advanced study or research; a graduate student.
    postgraduate (noun). He has three postgraduates helping him with his research. (sau đại học).
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  • a chart or plan of the classes that a student or teacher has in school each week, a timetable
    schedule (noun). Besides a full school schedule, Kayla's week is jam-packed with other activities. (lịch trình)
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  • A class at a university or college when a small group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular topic
    seminar (noun). I attended practically every lecture and seminar when I was a student. (hội thảo, chuyên đề)
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  • A course in which students learn the skills, knowledge, etc. that they need to have in order to do a particular job
    vocational course (noun). She's taking a vocational course to become a hairdresser. (khóa học nghề)
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  • A university or college student who is studying for their first degree
    undergraduate (noun). She teaches physics at undergraduate level. (sinh viên đại học chưa tốt nghiệp)
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  • A period of teaching in a university that involves discussion between an individual student or a small group of students and a tutor.
    Tutorial (noun). Students only have 8 hours of tutorials a week. (buổi hướng dẫn)
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  • To pursue education (verb phrase)
    to study and gain knowledge at school (theo đuổi việc học ). I am determined to pursue education in order to improve life.
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  • To [do something] with flying colours (adverb)
    Very well; with a very high mark (đạt thành tích cao). He graduated with flying colors and was the top of his class.
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