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Review [Applause II English Logic & Expressions] ...

  •  English    21     Public
    Review of Lesson 1-3.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 「1年は365日あります。」There __ 365 days in a year.
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  • 「私たちの乗る便は午前11時に出発します。」Our flight __ at 11 a.m.
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  • ( )内の語を適切な形に直しなさい。必要があれば複数語で書くこと。Heavy snow (expect) continue through tonight.
    is expected to
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  • 日本語に合うように( )内の語を適切な形にしなさい。必要があれば複数語で書くこと。「リサは今、昼食を食べているのかもしれません」Lisa (have) lunch now.
    might be eating
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  • 「今夜は出かけないようにしなさい」You _ _ _ go out tonight.
    had better not
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  • 「本当のことを言ったらどうですか。」一語補って並び替えなさい。 ( well / tell / might / truth / you / the / as ).
    You might as well tell the truth.
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  • 「ジェフはお金の話ばかりしています。」( is / about / talking / Jeff / money / always ).
    Jeff is always talking about money.
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  • ( )内の語を適切な語に直しなさい。My father sometimes (go) to office by car.
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  • 「フライトでは、琵琶湖上空を飛行いたします。」We ( the Lake Biwa / be / will / over / flying ) later in the flight.
    We ( will be flying over the Lake Biwa ) later in the flight.
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  • 「私は海へ行くものだと思っていたのですが、その代わりに山へ行きました。」I thought we _ _ to the beach, but we went to the mountain.
    were going
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  • 「ワールドシリーズがいよいよ始まります。」⭐️ヒント「まさに~」The World Series _ _ _ begin.
    is about to
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  • 「職員室まで来てもらえますか。」( to / you / come / would / over ) the staff room, please?
    Would you come over to ( the staff room, please?)
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  • 「政府は何かすべきです。」The government _ do something.
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  • 一語補って並び替えなさい。「暗くなってきて、私は完全に道に迷ってしまいました。」( dark / it / getting ), and I was completely lost.
    It was getting dark, and I was completely lost.
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  • 書き換えなさい。I believe that reading newspapers is good for students.⇒ I believe that it is____________.
    (I believe that it is) good for students to read newspapers.
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  • shouldを使った文に書き換えなさい。I don't think that computers are necessary for everyone.⇒ I don't think that ____________.
    (I don't think that) everyone should use computers.
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