Game Preview

Global Circulation System

  •  English    20     Public
    Weather & Climate
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Name the cells labelled A
    Hadley Cells
  •  5
  • Name the cells labelled B
    Ferrel Cells
  •  5
  • Name the cells labelled C
    Polar Cells
  •  5
  • What is the name for the latitude line 30 degrees North of the Equator?
    Tropic of Cancer
  •  5
  • What is the name for the latitude line 30 degrees South of the Equator?
  •  5
  • Name a latitude line that has high air pressure & explain why.
    Either tropics or Poles
  •  10
  • Name a latitude line that has low air pressure & explain why.
  •  10
  • Which is hot air/which is cold air (use left/right directions)
    Left-cold air/right-hot air
  •  5
  • Which gas molecules will rise?
    Right-hot air
  •  5
  • The term used to describe the deflection of air movement by the earth's rotation
    Coriolis Effect
  •  5
  • Name the winds that blow towards equator?
    Trade winds
  •  5
  • Name the winds that blow from the tropics (30) to 60 degrees latitude.
  •  5
  • What layer of the atmosphere are the jet streams?
  •  5
  • A term for a fast moving current of air in the upper atmosphere at circulation cells
    Jet streams
  •  5
  • Name the stream that brings warm water from the Caribbean Sea to the UK across the Atlantic
    Gulf Sream
  •  5
  • Name the current that brings cold water from Southern Chile North to Peru & supports lots of marine life
    Humboldt Current
  •  5