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Media Literacy Part 2

  •  English    13     Public
    A quiz based on the Media Literacy course from Crash Course
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  • Media literacy as a term or a field didn’t become “a thing” until around the 1980’s. True or False?
    False it was in the1960s
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  • Socrates, thought that the biggest problem in Greek society was writing things down. True or False
    True. He thought leaving your words on paper, just lying around, would encourage others to use them out of context.
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  • In Plato’s day, and for centuries after, information was often shared by writing and, for most people, education was at school.
    False by word of mouth and it was informal (not at a school)
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  • In the past books or manuscripts were cheap and everyone had one. True or False
    False: They were very expensive and time consuming to make, so very few people had the means to become educated and literate.
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  • It’s much easier for a government to control or persuade their subjects with the word of law when most of them can’t read. True or False
    True: I can feed you any information I want to
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  • In 1517, German theologian Martin Luther started pushing the buttons of the Roman Catholic Church by publishing his 95 Theses.
    True: There are actully 95 complaints issued against the church.
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  • What was the worlds first form of MASS media ?
    After the printing press it was three centuries later, with the world’s first MASS media: the newspaper.
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  • The first printing presses were owned by governments.
    True: Not until the American colonies did it become democraticly owned by people
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  • In the 1800's the newspaper were called the "Quarter Press" because they sold for a quarter. True or False
    False: The Penny Press because they costs a penny.
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  • Newspapers were not only about the news they were for making lots of arts and crafts. True or False
    False: They were for making lots of money
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  • When The two papers began ramping up their stories, focusing less facts and more on getting more readers and more cash it was nicknamed Purple Journalism. True or False
    False it was Yellow Journalism after a comic character the Yellow kid.
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  • Some publishers use a strategy to entertain or distract us – like staying away from the facts and leaning into drama. True or False
    True: They would often create their own graphics
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  • Two well known papers both wanted their papers in as many hands as humanly possible to attract bigger and better readers. True or False?
    False: Money came from advertisers and they wanted more of them.
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