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CL 9 4th Quarterly Exam Reviewer

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    CL 9 4th Quarterly Exam Reviewer
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  • He is the Way whom we follow, the Truth that we ought to know, and the life because he shows us the way to the Father.
  •  15
  • TRUE OR FALSE [Christian Faith is more than a set of truths to be believed; it is the way of Christ which leads to life.]
    TRUE (CCC 1696)
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  • The spiritual gifts that enable human person to think critically and choose willfully.
    Intelligence and Freedom
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  • The goal of our daily moral living through a life in Christ
    Eternal Salvation
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  • What are the two levels of Freedom?
    Freedom of Choice (doing) and the Fundamental Freedom (being)
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  • The source of human freedom?
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  • What are the Church Teachings about freedom?
    Read and understand: CCC 1731, CCC 1733, & GS 17
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  • The basic condition to true freedom based on John 8:31-32.
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  • This is the consistent message of correct conscience.
    Do good and avoid evil.
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  • What are the two types of conscience?
    Correct Conscience and Erroneous Conscience
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  • Conscience as “the most secret core and sanctuary of a man” that summons him “to love good and avoid evil” is based on:
    Gaudium et Spes, 16 (GS 16)
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  • What are the impediments to Authentic Freedom?
    biological, psychological, and spiritual
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  • What are the three moments in which our conscience judges?
    Consequent, Concomitant, and Antecedent
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  • The principles of Catholic Social teachings.
    The teaching of the Church that are fundamentally grounded on biblical sources highlight the threefold principle of human dignity, human equality and h. freedom
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  • How to develop our conscience?
    Our conscience develops with the help of family upbringing, basic education, catechetical instruction, spiritual formation, and cultural experiences. (CCC 704)
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  • What conscience is not?
    Conscience is not individualistic, it is not God's voice within us, and it is not about feeling guilty or compelled.
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