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amphibians and reptiles

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    amphibians and reptiles
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  • 1. What is the main difference between amphibians and reptiles?
    The main difference between amphibians and reptiles is their life cycle and habitat.
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  • Which slimy creature can jump really high and is often mistaken for a frog?
    2. The slimy creature that can jump really high and is often mistaken for a frog is a toad. Toads are amphibians.
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  • Can reptiles change their skin color like a chameleon?
    No, reptiles cannot change their skin color like a chameleon. While some reptiles can change their color to some extent, it is usually limited to variations wit
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  • Can a salamander regrow its lost body parts?
    Yes, salamanders have the ability to regrow lost body parts. This process is known as regeneration and is a unique ability among vertebrates. If a salamander
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  • Why do frogs croak at night?
    Frogs croak at night primarily for mating purposes. The croaking sound is produced by male frogs to attract females and establish their territory. The nightt
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  • Which amphibian has sticky pads on its feet to climb walls?
    The amphibian with sticky pads on its feet to climb walls is the tree frog. Tree frogs have specialized adhesive pads on their toes that allow them to cling
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  • Can an amphibian throw a super sticky tongue like Spider-Man?
    No, reptiles cannot give you a high-five. Reptiles do not have limbs with hands or fingers designed for that kind of interaction. They have different limb st
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  • Which reptile has the longest neck and loves reaching for leaves on tall trees?
    The reptile with the longest neck and loves reaching for leaves on tall trees is the giraffe-necked turtle. Note that this name is often used colloquially fo
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  • Which reptile has a shell and likes to hide inside it?
    The reptile that has a shell and likes to hide inside it is the turtle. Turtles have a bony or cartilaginous shell that provides protection, and they can ret
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  • What's the deal with a snake's flickering tongue?
    A snake's flickering tongue serves as a sensory organ. Snakes use their tongues to collect scent particles from the air or the ground, and then they insert t
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  • Which reptile is famous for shedding its skin?
    The reptile that is famous for shedding its skin is the snake. Snakes periodically shed their skin as they grow. The old skin becomes loose and is shed in on
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  • Which reptile can walk on water?
    The reptile that can walk on water is the basilisk lizard, also known as the Jesus lizard. It has long toes with fringed scales that create a larger surface
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  • How do turtles say hello to each other?
    Turtles do not have vocal cords, so they do not communicate through sounds like humans do. However, turtles can communicate with each other through visual si
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  • Can reptiles give you a high-five?
    No, reptiles cannot give you a high-five. Reptiles do not have limbs with hands or fingers designed for that kind of interaction. They have different limb st
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  • What's the best dance move of an alligator?
    The best dance move of an alligator is typically considered to be the "alligator dance," where they perform a series of rhythmic, undulating movements in the
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  • Which reptile loves a good sunbathing session to soak up some warmth?
    The reptile that loves a good sunbathing session to soak up some warmth is the lizard. Lizards are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external sources of heat
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