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Phrases - Gold experience b2+ Unit 5 Vocabulary

  •  English    27     Public
    Pearson Gold Experience B2+ UNit 5 Vocabulary Working with phrases, phasal verbs, idioms
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  • The heat was beginning to ________ me, so I went indoors.
    get to
  •  15
  • He's always getting into trouble for __________ in class.
    fooling around
  •  15
  • She __________ the chance to go to Paris
    jumped at
  •  15
  • They were hoping to sell their car for £2,000, but ________ £1,500.
    settled for
  •  15
  • There's no need to _______ - you can sing as well as anyone.
    hang back
  •  15
  • Are you serious or are you just trying to_________?
    wind me up
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  • She's not afraid to ___________ senior members of staff if she thinks they're wrong about something.
    stand up to
  •  15
  • That's your new car? You're _________!
    having me on
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  • We can't _________ while millions of people starve.
    stand by
  •  15
  • He __________ and managed to wrestle the knife from his attacker's hands.
    fought back
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  • I tried to ____ him ______ on where the money would come from.
    pin down
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  • French forces ____________ their allies, but were defeated a second time on 21 February 1919.
    came to aid
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  • She wasn't hurt but was very ________.
    shaken up
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  • Things got a little __________ at the party and three windows were broken.
    out of hand
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  • When Frank suggested coming to stay for a couple of days, ________ started ______ in my head.
    alarm bells started to ring
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  • I was overcome emotionally and it took me some time to ________ myself.
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