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20th Century Spain

  •  English    52     Public
    Spain in the 20th century for 6th grade
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  • King Alfonso XIII was the last king of what era?
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  • In what year did General Miguel Primo de Rivera lead a coup and become dicator?
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  • What is a coup?
    When a person or group overthrows a government using military force.
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  • What did General Primo de Rivera do when he became a dictator?
    Abolished the Consitution, dissolved Parliament, appointed men from armed forces to help rule, banned political parties and labour unions, limited freedom
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  • Did the population support or oppose the dictatorship of General Primo de Rivera?
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  • Did Spain win the war with Morocco?
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  • In what year did Primo de Rivera resign and why?
    In 1930, because he lost support.
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  • Who won the general elections in 1931?
    The political parties that supported a republic won.
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  • What happened to Alfonso XIII after the general elections in 1931.
    He went into exile.
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  • When was the Second Spanish Republic proclaimed?
    14th April 1931
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  • Who was proclaimed the president of the Second Spanish Republic in 1931?
    Alfonso XIII
    Federico García Lorca
    Miguel Primo de Rivera
    Niceto Alcalá Zamora
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  • In 1931, a new constitution was approved, what type of system did it establish?
    constitutional monarchy
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  • What did the Constitution of 1931 do?
    Gave the right to vote to women, separated church and state, created autonomous regions
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  • How did the Republican government try to modernise the country in 1931?
    They carried out many reforms related to land, education, and labour.
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  • Were the reforms of the Second Spanish Republic accepted by the people? What happened?
    No, they were not accepted by everyone and violent conflicts escalated over time.
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  • In 1936, who led a coup against the Republican government? What war did this start?
    Francisco Franco, The Spanish Civil War
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