Game Preview

Prehistory game

  •  English    13     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What are the three different periods in prehistory?
    Paleolithic, Neolithic, Metal Aage
  •  15
  • How did people from the Paleolithic period live?
    They were nomads who moved from place to place, looking for food
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  • Where did the paleolithic people live?
    They lived in caves
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  • What did the paleolithic people discover?
    They discovered fire
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  • What types of tools did the paleolithic people make?
    The made tools out of stone: knives, axes, scrappers
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  • Who were the neolithic people?
    They were sedentaries: they always stayed in the same place
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  • Where did the neolithic people live?
    They lived in houses?
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  • What did the neolithic people invent?
    They invented pottery and clothes
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  • What type of food did the neolithic people eat?
    They were farmers and cooked their food.
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  • What was invented in the metal ages?
    The wheel and means of transport
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  • What metals were used in the metal ages?
    copper, bronze, and then iron
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  • True of False? There were new jobs in the metal ages?
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  • What was the most important invention of prehistory?
    The invention of writing
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