Game Preview


  •  English    11     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Have you got a bedroom?
    Yes, I have/No, haven't
  •  5
  • Where do you watch TV?
    I watch TV in the________________.
  •  5
  • How many room are there in your flat?
    There are_____________rooms.
  •  5
  • What do you eat for breakfast?
    I eat___________.
  •  5
  • What do you eat for dinner?
    I eat_____________.
  •  5
  • What do you eat for lunch?
    I eat_______________.
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  • Have you got a pet? What pet have you got?
    Yes, I have/No, I haven't. I've got a_______.
  •  5
  • Where's the apple?
    It's between two boxes.
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  • Where's the ball?
    It's next to the box.
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  • Where's the cat?
    It's under the table.
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  • Where's the apple?
    It's on the box.
  •  5