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Prehistory and History

  •  English    16     Public
    Prehistory / History
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What type of historical source is this?
    Physical source
  •  15
  • What type of historical source is this?
    written source
  •  15
  • What type of historical source is this?
    Graphic source
  •  15
  • What type of historical source is this?
    Oral source
  •  15
  • True of False? Timelines show events in order
  •  15
  • True or false? Monuments, museums, and archaeological sites give information about the past
  •  15
  • True or False? The periods of history in order are the Modern Age, Prehistory, Middle Ages, and then Ancient History?
    False, its prehistory > ancient history > middle ages > modern age age > contemporary age
  •  15
  • What is a timeline?
    A timeline shows important history events and the time it occurred
  •  25
  • What are historical sources?
    They give us information about the past
  •  25
  • What are the 4 different types of historical sources?
    Physical, graphic, oral, and written sources
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  • What is a physical source?
    Any object or building from the past
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  • What is a graphic source?
    Painting, pictures, film, photos, and maps from the past that give us information
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  • What is a oral source?
    Information passed from person to person like testimonies, stories, myths, and songs
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  • What is a written source?
    A document that contains text or a written message - books , letters, and newspapers
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  • What type of historical source is this?
  •  25
  • What type of historical source is this?
    Graphic source
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