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CM2-5 Part 2

  •  Chinese    12     Public
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  • 今天早上我觉得很不舒服。
    I felt very unwell this morning
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  • 我发烧、头痛、嗓子疼,还拉肚子。
    I had a fever, headache, sore throat, and diarrhea.
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  • 妈妈马上带我去看了医生。
    My mother immediately took me to the doctor.
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  • 在医院,护士给我量了一下体温。
    At the hospital, the nurse took my temperature.
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  • 医生给我看了病,她说我感冒了。
    The doctor saw me and she said I had a cold.
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  • 医生给我开了药,还叫我多喝水,多休息。
    The doctor prescribed me medicine and told me to drink more water and rest more.
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  • 最后,医生给我开了一张病假条。
    At last, the doctor gave me a sick note.
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  • 医生让我在家休息两天。
    The doctor told me to rest at home for two days.
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  • 到家以后,我先吃了点儿面条,然后吃了药。
    After I got home, I ate some noodles first,and then had my medicine.
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  • 下午我睡了两个小时觉。
    I slept for two hours in the afternoon.
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  • 晚上我不发烧了,但是嗓子还疼。
    I don't have a fever at night, but my throat still hurts.
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  • 虽然我很想明天去上学,但是妈妈不让我去。
    Although I would love to go to school tomorrow, my mother won't let me go.
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