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Crime vocabulary

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  •  English    20     Public
    Crime/ Justice system vocabulary
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Provide the word for the following definition: Setting fire to a property
  •  15
  • What type of crime is the following example?: The criminal took control of the truck, threatening the driver at gunpoint
  •  15
  • Name the two expressions that are used as synonyms to talk about unintentional murder
    unpremeditated murder and manslaughter
  •  15
  • What is this picture an example of?
  •  15
  • What type of crime is the following example?: The banker was found guilty of embezzlement, since he had stolen the funds that belonged to the investors.
    white collar crime
  •  15
  • Replace the expression between quotes with a type of punishment: The defendants were "reprimanded angrily" by the judge.
  •  15
  • Taking products from a shop without paying for them is called:
  •  15
  • Name the people depicted in the image
    Judge and jury
  •  15
  • What do you call the two types of lawyers who are present when there is a trial?
    Prosecutor and defense
  •  15
  • Complete the sentence with an expression covered in the material: The problem with big cities is that, no matter the efforts made by the justice system, crime is still _______________.
  •  15
  • Replace the expression between quotes with an expression covered in the material: The objective of prisons is to help criminals ____________ _______ ______ _____________ after serving their sentences, so that they can become lawful citizens
    reintegrate back into society
  •  15
  • Complete the sentence with an expression: The defendant was given a lesser sentence because of ___________ ____________.
    extenuating circumstances
  •  15
  • What is this an example of?: if you are a witness in a trial, you cannot give the following evidence, "My mother told me she saw the accused at 3pm"
  •  15
  • Define and give an example of "circumstantial evidence"
    something that connects a person indirectly to the crime, e.g. a fingerprint at a crime scene.
  •  15
  • What is this picture an example of?
    Drunk driving
  •  15
  • What is this picture an example of?
    jay walking
  •  15