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British Slang

  •  English    20     Public
    Guess the meaning behind the British slang
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  • Alright?
    A greeting. Instead of hello how are you.
  •  10
  • You ledge!
    You're a legend, a compliment when someone has done something great.
  •  15
  • Gutted
    When you feel disappointed about something.
  •  15
  • Trollied
  •  15
  • Cracking
    to describe something to is great.
  •  15
  • Chunder
    to vomit
  •  15
  • Dodgy
    When something doesn't feel right.
  •  15
  • Have a gander.
    Come have a look.
  •  20
  • Hunky dory
    When a situation is going normal or well.
  •  15
  • Kerfuffle
    To have a disagreement or a fight
  •  15
  • Lost the plot
    Someone who is acting irrational or ridiculous (crazy)
  •  20
  • Minging
    To describe something that is disgusting.
  •  15
  • Telling pork pies
    Telling lies
  •  20
  • Sick
    To describe something good.
  •  15
  • Mate
    A good friend or an acquaintance often used in greetings or as a term of affection.
  •  15
  • Not my cup of tea
    A way to describe something you don't generally like.
  •  20