Game Preview


  •  English    24     Public
    Let's talk about capybaras
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is the capybara eating?
  •  20
  • What is the capybara doing?
    The capybara is taking a shower.
  •  15
  • What is the capybara eating?
    The capybara is eating a plant.
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  • What is the capybara doing?
    The capybara is watching television.
  •  15
  • What is the capybara doing?
    The capybara is playing with the ball.
  •  15
  • What is the capybara doing?
    The capybara is swimming.
  •  10
  • What are the capybaras doing?
    The capybaras are sleeping
  •  25
  • What is the capybara doing?
    The capybara is reading a book?
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  • What is the capybara eating?
    The capybara is eating marshmallow
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  • Complete the sentence: "The capybara is swimming with..."
    The ducks
  •  20
  • What is the capybara doing?
    The capybara is playing video games.
  •  15
  • What is the capybara eating?
    The capybara is eating pancakes.
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  • Which animal is the capybara's predator?
    the jaguar
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  • What animal is the capybara riding on?
    The capybara is riding on a turtle.
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  • What is the capybara doing?
    The capybara is playing the piano.
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  • What is the capybara doing?
    The capybara is listening to music.
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