Game Preview


  •  English    20     Public
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  • I invited the professor. You met him last year.
    I invited the professor whom/who/that you met last year
  •  15
  • The printer is broken. We were using it yesterday.
    The printer that we were using yesterday is broken
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  • I don't want to hear the song. We just heard it.
    I don't want to hear the song that we just heard.
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  • That's the man! I had a big argument with him yesterday.
    That's the man whom/who/that I had a big argument with yesterday.
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  • He has a list of customers in his address book. He calls them once a month.
    He has a list of customers whom/who/that he calls once a month in his address book.
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  • He's always talking about his car. He bought it last year in London.
    He's always talking about the his car that he bought last year in London
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  • Do you have my textbook? I lent it to you last week.
    Do you have my textbook that I lent to you last week?
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  • She is someone. I used to know her.
    She is someone whom/who/that I used to know.
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  • The keys were in my shoe. I was looking for them all day.
    The keys that I was looking for all day were in my shoe.
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  • My sister went with me to Spain. I talk with her every day.
    My sister whom/who/that I talk with every day went with me to Spain.
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  • We went to the Prado Museum. You showed me the Prado Museum.
    We went to the Prado Museum that you showed me.
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  • I saw art. I'd only seen this art in books.
    I saw art that I'd onley seen in books.
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  • It took us several hours to walk through the galleries. I felt the galleries were quite large.
    It took us several hours to walk through the galleries that I felt were quite large.
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  • My sister didn't think the portraits by him were amazing.I tease my sister for being rude.
    My sister whom/who/that I tease for being rude didn't think the portraits by him were amazing.
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  • We found some interesting souvenirs in the gift shop. My mom wanted to buy them.
    We found some interesting souvenirs that my mom wated to buy in the gift shop.
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  • He’s always talking about his car. He bought it last year in London
    He’s always talking about his car that he bought last year in London
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