Game Preview

Relationship Pyramid

  •  English    20     Public
    Answer questions about different levels of relationships.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Explain how relationships are like magnets.
  •  15
  • Name 3 behaviors that attract others and help others feel comfortable.
  •  15
  • Name 3 behaviors that "flip the magnet".
  •  15
  • Explain the difference between the 3 levels of friendship: Friends, Close Friends, Very Close Friends
  •  20
  • On the Relationship Pyramid, what is an Acquaintance?
  •  15
  • On the Relationship Pyramid, why is the Stranger level important?
  •  15
  • Katie is at the grocery store with her mom. She recognizes the man bagging her groceries because she has seen him there before. She tries to give him a hug. Did Katie use the Relationship Ruler?
  •  15
  • Marco sees Devin in the hallway at school. He has a few classes with Devin, and they talk every once in a while. Marco says to him, “Hey, what’s up?” Did Marco use the Relationship Ruler?
  •  15
  • Jada has known Bailey since kindergarten and has slept over her house many times. She asks Bailey if she would like to go to the movies this weekend. Did Jada use the Relationship Ruler?
  •  15
  • Elijah sits next to Ryan in science class. They talk every once in a while but do not hang out outside of school. One day Elijah tells Ryan that he has a crush on a girl in their class. Did Elijah use the Relationship Ruler?
  •  15
  • Tianna talks to Henry on the phone two to three nights a week. They sometimes hang out on the weekends. At lunch, Tianna shares a secret with Henry and makes him promise not to tell anyone. Did Tianna use the Relationship Ruler?
  •  15
  • John is at the mall when he sees another kid there who looks about his age. He walks up to him and asks the kid how old he is. Did John use the Relationship Ruler?
  •  15
  • May is sitting with some of her classmates at lunch for the first time. She notices that one of them brought cookies with their lunch. She says, “Ooh, I want one!” and takes a cookie. Did May use the Relationship Ruler?
  •  15
  • Alexa and Dylan have been neighbors for several years. They hang out every weekend. Alexa calls Dylan one day and says, “Hey, I’m really upset about something. Do you mind if I talk to you about it?” Did Alexa use the Relationship Ruler?
  •  15
  • You sit next to a boy in Math who you don't well and you would like to start small talk to see if he could be a potential friend in the future. You know he is in Band but not much else. How can you start small talk with him?.
  •  20
  • Some boys you know are standing outside at Walk & Talk. They are talking about next week's field trip. Role play or explain how you can join this group.
  •  20