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CS 9 Unit 3

  •  English    25     Public
    CS 9 Unit 3
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Even though humans are not equal, they have equal ______
  •  15
  • Our parents give us our body, _________ gives us our soul
  •  15
  • We are made in the _________ and ___________ of God.
    image and likeness
  •  15
  • We are made in the image and likeness of God, which means what?
    We CAN be good and loving, like God
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  • Humans are sacred from what point until what point?
    conception until natural death (womb to tomb)
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  • Define abortion
    intentional termination of an unborn baby
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  • What commandment do abortion, euthanasia, and dr. assisted suicide break?
    the 5th Commandment - Thou Shalt Not Kill
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  • What is Palliative Care?
    Provides relief from symptoms, pain, stress for the terminally ill
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  • Define prolife
    Protecting all life from conception until natural death. Opposing anything that harms or destroys human life.
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  • Do you have the authority to decide if anyone's life is not worth living?
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  • How should we treat people who are vulnerable?
    Put their needs first (before our own). Take care of them!
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  • Name some reasons that someone might be classified as "vulnerable"
    Baby, toddler, little kid, elderly, sick, disabled, poor, physically or mentally handicapped
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  • Explain how Iceland eradicated Downs Syndrome from their population.
    Any unborn baby that tested positive for Downs was aborted
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  • Explain what "slippery slope" means in terms of legalizing abortion and dr. assisted suicide.
    It opens the door for more and more ways to kill people (legally)
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  • What does empathy mean?
    Being able to put yourself in their shoes and feel how they feel.
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  • What should empathy lead us to? (hint: 1 word)
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