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CME 2-5 part 1

  •  Chinese    16     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 我们是上个月五号搬家的。
    We moved house on the 5th of last month.
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  • 我是午饭以前开始觉得不舒服的。
    I started to feel ill before lunch.
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  • 你是从什么时候开始发烧的?
    When did you start to have fever?
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  • 你是在哪儿出生的?
    Where were you born?
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  • 我先给你量一量体温。
    I will take your temperature first.
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  • 你可以去那边等一等。
    You can go over there to wait for a while.
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  • 医生一会儿来给你看病。
    The doctor will come to see you later.
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  • 你要多看书,多做练习。
    You should read more books, do more exercise.
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  • 你要多喝水,多休息。
    You need drink more water, and rest more.
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  • 晚上睡觉的时候我还咳嗽。
    I also cough when I sleep at night.
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  • 他做作业的时候常常吃零食。
    He often has snacks while he does his homework.
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  • 你们是在哪个饭店吃晚饭的?
    Which restaurant did you go to have dinner?
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  • 他们不是坐火车去上海的。
    They didn't go to Shanghai by train.
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  • 他跑步的时候一般会听音乐。
    He normally listens to music while jogging.
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  • 你觉得哪儿不舒服?
    Where do you feel not comfortable?
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  • 昨天你爸爸是怎么上班的?
    How did you dad go to work yesterday?
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