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  •  English    26     Public
    Past Simple Passive, Present Simple Passive, Present Continuous Passive, Present Perfect Passive
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The hunter killed the lion.
    The lion was killed by the hunter.
  •  15
  • Someone has cleaned the windows.
    The windows have been cleaned.
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  • I gave him a book for his birthday.
    He was given a book for his birthday.
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  • Someone sent her a cheque for a thousand euros.
    She was sent a cheque for a thousand euros.
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  • The gardener waters the flowers every evening.
    The flowers are watered by the gardener every evening.
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  • Helen doesn't drink anything in parties.
    Nothing is drunk by Helen in parties.
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  • My mother doesn't paint the walls.
    The walls aren't painted by my mother.
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  • She did not write a story.
    A story was not written by her.
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  • He loved his friends very much.
    His friends were loved very much by him.
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  • Did he break the window?
    Was the window broken by him?
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  • Did anyone steal your purse?
    Was your purse stolen by anyone?
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  • A robot is serving food in this hotel.
    Food is being served by a robot in this hotel.
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  • The police are interrogating him right now.
    He is being interrogated (by the police right now).
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  • Everybody is watching the final match.
    The final match is being watched by everyone.
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  • Are they playing cricket right now?
    Is cricket being played by them right now?
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  • She is solving the question.
    The question is being solved (by her).
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