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8th Grade ELA Terms3.7 (6 reviews)

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  • setting
    when and where the story takes place
  •  15
  • character
    the people, animals, or objects that are in the story (only talking animals and objects)
  •  15
  • problem
    the conflict in the story
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  • solution
    how the problem is solved
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  • central idea
    what a piece of text is mostly about; the main focus of the text
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  • express
    to show something
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  • message
    what the author wants you to know
  •  15
  • theme
    the message, lesson, or moral of the story
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  • summary (fiction)
    a brief statement of the main events of a story
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  • summary (non-fiction)
    a brief statement of the main idea and details
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  • chonological/sequential
    when something is written in time order
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  • informational/explanatory writing
    writing that gives information or explains a topic
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  • origin
    a beginning
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  • biography
    a story of a person's life written by someone else
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  • point of view
    the perspective from which a story is told
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  • first person point of view
    uses pronouns I, me, and my. The character it is about is the person telling the story.
  •  15