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  •  English    17     Public
    when is it a good idea to compromise and when is it a good idea to advocate for yourself
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • -What is a compromise?
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  • -When are examples of when you have to compromise?
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  • -Someone wants to play Sorry and you want to play Uno but you only have 10 minutes to play a game. What can you do?
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  • -It is your choice and you want to play Tag in the gym but your friends don’t want to. What can you do?
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  • You and your friend want to watch movies. You want to watch a scary movie, and your friend wants to watch a movie about space. How do you compromise?
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  • -You play a game a certain way that is different than your friend; how can you compromise with how you play
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  • -Your friend wants to play a game with you but you haven’t finished your homework yet
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  • -Your parent tells you that you need to take out the trash but you’re in the middle of a level on a video game
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  • its your siblings birthday. they want Mexican food for dinner but you want pizza. what should you do?
    since its their birthday, its nice to let them choose
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  • your sibling takes the TV remote and changes the channel without asking. Her favorite show is on, how can you compromise?
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  • someone wants to hold your hand. you really don't want to hold their hand. should you hold their hand anyway?
    no, you are allowed to have personal space and tell people you don't want to be touched
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  • your sibling wants you to play video games with them. but you're very tired and its past your bed time. How would you respond to your sibling?
    you can tell them that you don't want to play tonight, but you could plan another day/time to play
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  • you are trying to set up a "hangout" with a friend. your friend wants to see a movie, but you would rather go out to eat. what is a good compromise?
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  • you're waiting to be picked up by your mom. a stranger says "come with me, I'm a friend of your moms." what should you do?
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  • you are on the school bus and someone behind you keeps pulling your hair. you tell them to stop, but they say "I'm just playing around." What should you do next?
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  • you want to play UNO for group time, but two other people want to do a puzzle. What is a good compromise?
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