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Philosophy Questions

  •  English    14     Public
    Philosophy Questions for 1 Bachillerato
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  • Is this statement true? Comte distinguished (distinguió) three stages in the intellectual development ( el desarrollo) of humanity.
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  • Which author maintains (sostiene) that metaphysical knowledge of God is not possible, but his practical knowledge is possible as a condition of ethics?
    Immanuel Kant
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  • What type of concept does the concept of being belong (pertenece)?
    Analogues (Análogos)
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  • What are words whose meanings are entirely different called (se denominan)?
    misleading/equivocal (Equívocas)
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  • Marxism is a ___ philosophical doctrine
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  • What is a discipline that rationally aims to explain the principles of reality?
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  • What is the philosophical discipline that deals with the study of the human being?
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  • What is the philosophical discipline that studies the being and the ultimate foundations of reality. According to its etymology, a study of that which is beyond the physical?
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  • What is the Philosophical discipline that deals with the study of valid or correct reasoning?
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  • Is this true? Every real individual has MATTER and REALITY
    FALSE: Every real individual has ESSENCE and EXISTENCE
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  • What is the function of the verb to be in the phrase "Socrates is a man"?
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  • According to existentialism (existencialismo), what do human beings lack (carecen)?
    previous essence
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  • The permanent character of reality is rejected (es rechazado) by who?
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  • Is this true? The metaphysical concept of reality is opposed to that of appearance
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