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Sentence Structures

  •  17     Public
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  • Since nobody went grocery shopping, we decided to go out for dinner.
    compound sentence
    complex sentence
    simple sentence
    complex-compound sentence
  •  15
  • Jenn likes to cook, but she doesn't enjoy baking.
    compound sentence
    simple sentence
    complex sentence
    complex-compound sentence
  •  15
  • I was late for work, but it wasn't a problem because my boss is understanding.
    complex sentence
    compound sentence
    simple sentence
    compound-complex sentence
  •  15
  • Jennifer and Liz decided the garage needed to be cleaned and organized this weekend.
    compound sentence
    complex sentence
    simple sentence
    complex-compound sentence
  •  15
  • Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
    We are really looking forward to vacation this year.
  •  15
  • Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
    Before David left, he made sure all the doors were locked.
  •  15
  • Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
    My mom made the lemon cake that Grandma used to make for us.
  •  15
  • Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
    Sue, who is always late, missed first period again. 
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  • A compound sentence is formed when two independent clauses are joined by  . . .
    a comma and FANBOYS
  •  15
  • A complex sentence contains
    1 independent clause and 1 or more dependent clauses
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  • An independent clause has
    a subject and a verb and is a complete thought
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  • A dependent clause
    has a subject and verb and is an incomplete thought
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  • A compound sentence has
    2 independent clauses
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  • A simple sentence has
    1 independent clause
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  • A compound-complex sentence has
    2 or more independent clauses & 1 or more dependent clauses
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  • A comma in a complex sentence is REQUIRED when
    the dependent clause is at the beginning of a sentence
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