Game Preview

HSK2 Lesson8

  •  Chinese    18     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • (zài) again; once more
  •  15
  • (ràng) to let; to allow
  •  15
  • 告诉
    (gào sù) to tell
  •  20
  • (děng) to wait ; to await
  •  15
  • (zhǎo) to look for
  •  15
  • 事情
    (shì qing) thing; matter; affair
  •  20
  • 服务员
    (fú wù yuán) attendant; waiter/waitress
  •  20
  • (bái) white
  •  15
  • (hēi) black
  •  15
  • (guì) expensive
  •  15
  • 我们一起去吃饭,好吗?
    Let's go to dinner together, shall we?
  •  25
  • 你明天再给我打电话吧。
    You can call me again tomorrow.
  •  25
  • 你让我再想想。
    You let me think again.
  •  25
  • to tell
    告诉(gào sù)
  •  15
  • thing; matter; affair
    事情(shì qing)
  •  15
  • attendant; waiter/waitress
    服务员(fú wù yuán)
  •  15