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Music Quiz

  •  English    10     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Ed Sheeran's songs are usually very CATCHY. You listen to them once and can't get them out of your head.
    easy to remember
  •  15
  • I can't believe you're listening to this song. The lyrics are so CHEESY and shallow.
    of bad quality / in bad taste
    of good quality / in good taste
  •  15
  • When I heard that Lucy was fully recovered from her illness that felt LIKE MUSIC TO MY EARS.
    I felt like singing
    I was so happy to hear about it
    That wasn't good news
  •  15
  • Here's Ted talking about his trip to Cabo again. The guy is LIKE A BROKEN RECORD.
  •  20
  • I don't mean to TOOT MY OWN HORN, but I think I did a great job today.
    to offend anyone
    to talk about my own achievements with a lot of pride
    to be very successful in what I had planned
  •  10
  • You lied to your boss and coworkers. Now you'll have to FACE THE MUSIC.
    accept the consequences of what you did
    tell the truth
    accuse someone
  •  15
  • A: Have you heard of this before? B: Yes, that RINGS A BELL.
    it doesn't sound familiar
    someone is calling
    it sounds familiar
  •  15
  • We didn't have time to rehearse, we'll have to PLAY IT BY EAR.
    give up
    make a plan
  •  15
  • The argument with your friend isn't all your fault. IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO.
    you'll solve this problem soon
    both parts have responsibility for something
    you don't have responsibility for something
  •  15
  • You're health exams are perfect. You're AS FIT AS A FIDDLE!
    very energetic
    very healthy and strong
    very thin
  •  15