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  •  English    12     Public
    Arrest Procedures
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees that ever U.S Citizen has the right to ?
    Due Process
  •  15
  • Which amendment protects the U.S. citizen against self-incrimination?
  •  5
  • Which amendment protects illegal search and seizure
  •  20
  • a A court-ordered document authorizing the police to arrest an individual on a specific charge
    Arrest Warrant
  •  25
  • The accused must be notified of their rights before being questioned by the police
    Miranda v Arizona
  •  15
  • Taking a person into custody or freedom to leave
  •  5
  • Police officers are required to show solid proof that criminal activity is present
  •  15
  • The legal principle that objects in the sight of a law enforcement agent who has the right to be in a position to have that view may be seized without a warrant and introduced as evidence.
    Plain View
  •  25
  • Temporary restraining devices used frequently to control a subjec
  •  5
  • A court order allowing law enforcement officers to search a suspect's home or business and take specific items as evidence
    Search warrant
  •  25
  • Police can search and seize with probable cause
    Terry v Ohio
  •  15
  • when there is an immediate threat to public safety or the risk that evidence will be destroyed, officers may search, arrest, or question suspects without obtaining a warrant
  •  25