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Lesson 2. Thinking the Fun Way

  •  English    18     Public
    Answer to the questions
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  • What are the two devices that Gutenberg used to invent the printing press?
    There are the wine press and the coin punch.
  •  10
  • In Josephine Cochrane's dishwasher, she used ( ) to clean dishes.
    water pressure
  •  15
  • The writer believes that people are born creative. (T/F) 이유까지 말하기
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  • Many people have shaped human history by (view/viewing) things differently and thus (to develop/ developing) ideas that were unique and useful. 해석
    많은 사람들이 사물을 다르게 봄으로써 독특하고 유용한 아이디어를 개발하여 인류의 역사를 형성해 왔다.
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  • Gutenberg playfully asked (him/himself): What if I took a bunch of these coin punches and put them under the wine press so that they left images on paper? 해석
    구텐베르크는 재미삼아 자신에게 물었다: "만약 주화 제조기 여러 개가 종이에 이미지를 남기게 할 수 있도록 그것들을 포도주 압착기 아래에 놓으면 어떨까?
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  • His idea of linking the two devices led to the birth of the modern printing press. 해석
    두 가지 장치를 연결하려는 그의 아이디어가 현대 인쇄기의 탄생으로 이어졌다.
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  • Creative thinking is a skill, and we can improve it.
    창의적 사고는 기술이고, 우리는 이것을 향상시킬 수 있다.
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  • To think more creatively, look for many possible answers, not just one. 해석
    더 창의적으로 생각하기 위해, 단지 하나의 답이 아니라 많은 가능한 답을 찾아보라.
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  • According to the passage, Albert Einstein said that anyone who had never made a mistake had tried something new. (T/F)
    F, never가 빠짐
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  • Did Gutenberg pull his idea out of thin air?
    No. He knew how the wine press and the coin punch worked and what they could do.
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  • Before her time, people used to place dishes in a dishwasher, (adding/add) water, and let scrubbers (to clean/clean) the dishes. 해석
    그녀의 시대 이전에 사람들은 접시를 식기세척기 안에 넣고, 물을 넣고, 수세미가 접시를 닦도록 하곤 했다.
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  • She used water itself-water pressure-instead of scrubbers. She thought that high water pressure would do the job of scrubbers and damage the dishes less. 해석
    그녀는 수세미 대신 물 그 자체를 즉, 수압을 사용했다. 그녀는 높은 수압이 수세미의 역할을 하고 접시를 덜 손상시킬 것이라고 생각했다.
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  • Her machine, (what/which) pumped hot, soapy water onto dishes, became succesful in restaurants and later, in homes. 해석
    그녀의 기계는 뜨거운 비눗물을 접시에 뿜어냈는데, 식당에서 성공했고 나중에는 가정애서도 성공을 거두었다.
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  • According to the passage, what is creativity based on?
    Creativity is based on knowledge and experience.
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  • It is important to keep learning in order to improve your creativity. (T/F)
    창의성을 향상시키기 위해서는 계속 배우는 것이 중요하다.
  •  15
  • Gutenberg invented the modern printing press by ( ) two things.
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