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Plants 2

  •  English    14     Public
    Plant kingdom
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  • What kind of tissues transport phloem sap?
    Chlorophyll tissues
    Protective tissues
    Supporting tissues
    Conductive tissues
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  • What is a chloroplast?
    It is part of a plant cell that contains chlorophyll, where photosynthesis happens.
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  • What is a seed plant with fruit called?
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  • What is a vascular plant without flowers or seeds called?
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  • What is sap?
    Liquid in a plant/tree that carries food to all its parts.
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  • What are bryophytes?
    They are non-vascular plants without seeds or flowers.
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  • Where are the reproductive organs located in angiosperms?
    The ovary inside the flower, when it is fertilised it becomes fruit.
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  • Where are the reproductive organs located in gymnosperms?
    Male cones produce pollen, female cones have exposed ovules, which become seeds when fertilised
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  • Plants absorb a mixture of water and minerals through their roots. What is this mixture called?
    Phloem sap
    Crude sap
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  • What are stomata?
    Microscopic pores on leaves that absorb carbon dioxide (CO2).
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  • "All leftover water from photosynthesis is released into the environment as water vapour" - What is this process called?
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  • What is phototropism? Can you give an example of a plant carrying out this process?
    It is how the plant responds to sunlight - a sunflower grows in the direction of the sun because of phototropism.
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  • What is thigmonasty? Can you give an example of a plant carrying out this process?
    It is how the plant responds to touch - a carnivorous plant closes its leaves when it detects an insect has landed on it.
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  • How do hormones affect plants?
    They help aid processes like growth, leaf shedding and fruit ripening.
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