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Ghandi and Benjamin Franklin

  •  English    16     Public
    Ghandi and Benjamin Franklin
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Where was Mahatma Gahndi from ?
  •  10
  • How many days was the declaration of independence written in ?
    7 days ( half points for 3)
  •  15
  • True or false Benjamin Franklin wrote the whole declaration of independence..
  •  15
  • Name one invention of Thomas Jefferson
  •  15
  • What aquatic sport did Benjamin Franklin Popularize?
    Synchronized Swimming
  •  15
  • True or false Mahtama Ghandi encouraged Violence to fight the british.
  •  10
  • Who did Gahndi Protest against ?
    Great Britian
  •  15
  • What dollar bill is Benjamin Franklin on ?
    the 100 Dollar Bill
  •  15
  • What Rupee bill is Mahtma Ghandi on ?
    100 Rupee bill
  •  15
  • What Do benjamin and Franklin have in common ?
    They both got their faces on money
  •  15
  • Who wore more clothes Benjamin Franklin Or Mhatma Gahndi ?
    Benjamin Franklin
  •  15
  • True or False Ghandi was kicked off a train becuase he was indian.
  •  15
  • What theory did Benjamin franklin prove with the kite?
    That Lighting was made of electricity
  •  20
  • How did Ghandi Protest ?
    Hunger and Movement strikes
  •  15
  • Ghandi Loved Steak, True or false
    False he was a vegetarian
  •  15
  • Fill in the blanks Benjamin franklin wrote an essay called "A Letter to a Royal Academy About ......"
  •  15