Game Preview


  •  English    17     Public
    There is/are, have got, some/any
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  • У меня есть банан и сок в школьной сумке.
    I've got a banana and some juice in my school bag.
  •  15
  • В моей школьной сумке есть два яблока и печеньки.
    There are 2 apples and some biscuits/cookies in my school bag.
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  • Ask 2 questions: We've got 24 students in my class.
    How many students have we got in my class? Have we got 24 students in my class?
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  • Ask 2 questions: There are 5 kinds of cheese in this pizza.
    Are there 5 rinds of cheese? How many kinds of cheese are there in this pizza?
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  • Давай сделаем салат, у нас есть помидоры, перец и базилик.
    Let's make some salad. We've got some tomatoes, bell peppers and some basil.
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  • В холодильнике есть огурцы, сосиски, листья салата, но нет оливок.
    There are some cucumbers, sausages, some lettuce in the fridge but there aren't any olives.
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  • В нашем доме 10 комнат. Есть кухня и кинозал.
    There are 10 rooms in our house. There is a kitchen and a cinema hall.
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  • У тебя есть друзья в твоем классе?
    Have you got any friends in your class?
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  • У них на столе 6 тарелок, а нас 8 человек.
    They've got 6 plates on the table but there are 8 of us.
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  • Ask a question: She has got 2 cats and a dog in her house.
    How many cats and dogs has she got? Has she got 2 cats and a dog?
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  • В Индии нет жирафов, но есть тигры и крокодилы.
    There aren't any giraffes in India, but there are tigers and crocodiles.
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  • В моем рюкзаке шапка, носки, футбока, вода и яблоки.
    There is a beanie, sockes, a t-shirt, some water and some apples in my backpack.
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  • В нашем городе есть школы, спорт площадки, 2 парка, но нет зоопарка.
    There are schools, sport grounds, 2 parks but there isn't any zoo in our city.
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  • Давай приготовим пиццу! У нас есть 3 вида сыра?
    Let's make some pizza! Have we got 3 kinds of cheese?
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  • Make the sentence negative: We have got 5 lessons on Monday.
    We haven't got 5 lessons on Monday.
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  • Mahe the sentence negative: There are some apples on the table.
    There aren't any apples on the table.
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