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Church History 1800-Present

  •  English    25     Public
    Church History 1800-Present
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Who wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848?
    Karl Marx
  •  15
  • The ecumenical council of Vatican I began in...
  •  15
  • Which Russian political party formed in 1903?
    Bolshevik party
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  • Which world event began in 1914?
    World War I
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  • Which apparition of Mary appeared to 3 children in 1917?
    Our Lady of Fatima
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  • Our Lady of Fatima appeared in which country?
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  • Our Lady of Fatima asked the 3 children to...
    Prayer the rosary daily and pray for world peace
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  • This country was formed in the year 1917
    The Soviet Union
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  • Who was the first leader of the Soviet Union?
    Vladimir Lenin
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  • Who became Chancellor of Germany in 1933?
    Adolf Hitler
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  • World War II began in 1941.
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  • Communist governments began doing what in 1940?
    Persecuting and murdering its citizens
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  • Communist governments persecuted and murdered people for their religious beliefs.
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  • Which ecumenical council began in 1962?
    Vatican II
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  • Pope John Paul II presided over Vatican II.
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  • Which pope began presiding over Vatican II?
    Pope John XXIII
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