Game Preview

Industrial Revolution

  •  English    23     Public
    Lesson 1,2,3
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What were some of the effects of increased urbanization in the cities as a result of the Industrial Revolution?
    Industrial Revolution
  •  10
  • What invention helped to make the cleaning of cotton faster and easier? Who invented it?
    cotton gin, Eli Whitney
  •  15
  • What impact did the steamboat have?
    It made it easier to travel upstream and improved the shipping of goods (more efficient)
  •  15
  • What idea did Eli Whitney develop which allowed for the mass production of identical machine made parts?
    interchangeable parts
  •  20
  • Who were the typical workers in the factories?
    women and children
  •  15
  • What inventions helped to improve the area of agriculture? (3)
    steel plow, cotton gin, and mechanical reaper, seed drill, Horse drawn hoe
  •  15
  • Who invented the telegraph?
    Samuel F. B. Morse
  •  20
  • What invention made steam power available for mechanical purposes?
    steam engine
  •  15
  • What invention helped to improve communication over long distances?
  •  10
  • How did this invention impact life in the United States?
    It made the cleaning of cotton more efficient but also increased slavery
  •  15
  • What source powered the textile mills first?
  •  5
  • What is Vulcanization?
    The basis of the modern rubber industry
  •  15
  • What factors led to the rise of the middle class
    being well educated
  •  5
  • What did Jethro Tull invent?
    Seed drill & Horse drawn hoe
  •  5
  • TRUE or FALSE: During the 1500s & 1600s, Europeans began using fencing public lands
  •  5
  •  5