Game Preview


  •  English    17     Public
    Personal Hygiene- January ULS Theme
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is this called? What is it used for? How often should you use it?
    Toothbrush; Clean teeth, gums, and tongue- Prevent cavities; At least 2x/day
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  • What is this called? What is it used for? How often should you use it?
    Deodorant; Make sure armpits smell nice, prevent body odor, help with over sweating; at least 1x/day in the morning; before any workouts
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  • What is this called? What is it used for? How often should you use it?
    Floss; Cleans plaque & food between your teeth; keeps gums healthy; 1x/day
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  • What is this called? What is it used for? How often should you use it?
    Body Soap; Cleans dirt and germs, makes you smell nice; at least 1x/day when showering or bathing.
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  • Who do you go to if you need to have your teeth cleaned? How often should you go?
    Dentist; At least 1x/year
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  • What are the steps of completing your laundry? See if you can list at least 3 steps!
    Gathering dirty clothes, sorting, checking tags/pockets, loading washing machine, adding detergent, washing clothes, move to dryer, dry clothes, hang/fold/store
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  • If you do not have a laundry machine at home, where could you go to do your laundry?
    A friend or family's house; laundromat
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  • What store could you go to if you run out of shampoo? BONUS: name 3 stores!
    (student response)
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  • You and your friend get Italian food takeout and enjoy dinner at your house. You eat garlic knots. What might you need to do afterwards to account for the stinky garlic breath?
    Brush your teeth, mouthwash, eat a mint, etc.!
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  • TRUE OR FALSE- You go to football practice and get sweaty and dirty. You have a dinner with your family at a restaurant afterwards. Putting on deodorant will be enough to make you clean.
    FALSE! Deodorant may make you smell a little better, but it does NOT make you clean. You should shower, use soap, and THEN use deodorant.
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  • TRUE OR FALSE- If you use mouthwash, you do NOT need to brush your teeth.
    FALSE!!!! Mouthwash is OPTIONAL. You MUST brush your teeth at least 2x/day.
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  • What is this item used for? What is another item that is similar and used for the same purpose?
    Washing your body; put soap on it and scrub body. Washcloth.
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  • If you go stay at a hotel, they may provide you with some of these items. We can't see exactly what these items are in the picture, but make a guess based on what they look like!
    Shampoo, Conditioner, BodyWash, Lotion, Soap
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  • What is this called? What is it used for?
    Nail Clipper/File
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  • TRUE OR FALSE- You can wear some clothing items more than once before washing them
    TRUE! As long as it is clean. Nicer sweaters, pants, dresses, shirts. Nothing sweaty, dirty, or stinky.
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  • How do you know when it is time to clean your clothes?
    Dirty, stains, stinky, underwear, socks.
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