Game Preview

Third Conditional

  •  20     Public
    #third conditional #conditionals #unreal past #regrets
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • If they ___ in such a hurry, they would have remembered to turn off the oven.
    had left
    hadn't left
    didn't leave
    hadn't leave
  •  15
  • If she had read the book, she ___ to watch the film.
    wouldn't have wanted
    wouldn't wanted
    have wanted
    didn't wanted
  •  15
  • ___ a better time if he had gone on holiday with his friends?
    Would he had
    Would he has had
    Would he have
    Would he have had
  •  15
  • If we ___ for them, they would not have known where to go.
    didn't wait
    hadn't waited
    hadn't been waiting
    haven't waited
  •  15
  • ___ if the airline had lost your luggage?
    Would you be complaining
    Would you have complained
    Would you did complain
    Would you complained
  •  15
  • If she ___ me that story, I wouldn't have believed her.
    had told
    had telled
    have telled
    have told
  •  15
  • If you hadn't had any money, ___ the bill?
    did they pay
    would they have paid
    would they paid
    will they pay
  •  15
  • If the alarm clock hadn't gone off, I ___.
    wouldn't have woken up
    wouldn't have wake up
    wouldn't have waken up
    wouldn't have woke up
  •  15
  • If anyone ___ me my name, I would have told them!
    had asked
    has asked
    did ask
    have ask
  •  15
  • If you ___ their house, you would have been amazed!
    had seen
    have seen
    had see
    had saw
  •  15
  • If they had played better, they ___ the game.
    would have won
    would had won
    would have winned
    would can win
  •  15
  • If she ___ the directions more carefully, she would have found the right place.
    had been following
    has followed
    had had followed
    had followed
  •  15
  • If I hadn't brought some sandwiches, we ___ nothing to eat.
    would have
    would have had
    wouldn't have had
    wouldn't have
  •  15
  • The train would have left without me if I ___ at the last minute.
    didn't jump on
    haven't had jumped on
    didn't jumped on
    hadn't jumped on
  •  15
  • If he hadn't forgotten to charge his mobile, he ___ to call us.
    would had been able
    would have been able
    wouldn't be able
    would be able
  •  15
  • The project ___ so long if we had worked on it together.
    wouldn't took
    wouldn't taken
    wouldn't have took
    wouldn't have taken
  •  15