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Era Review 8th Grade Review

  •  English    25     Public
    Social Studies
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Invention by Eli Whitney that increased the profitability of plantations and slavery
    Cotton Gin
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  • Man-made waterway that opened up New York city as a major commercial trade center
    Canal System (Erie Canal)
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  • Increased the speed for river travel and decreased shipping costs
    Steamboats (Robet Fulton)
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  • Belief that it is Americans duty to expand and occupy all of North America.
    Manifest Destiny
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  • Land purchased from Mexico in 1853 to build a railroad connecting the east to the west.
    Gadsden Purchase
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  • Group of people who escaped a potato famine.
    The Irish
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  • Law that established a method for admitting new states into the Union
    Northwest Ordinance
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  • Federal law that forcibly relocated indian nations west across the Mississippi River during Andrew Jacksons presidency
    Indian Removal Act 1832
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  • Agreement between slave and free states around the issue of slavery. A boundary was created at the 36’30 line to balance states
    Missouri Compromise 1820
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  • Nickname for California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada (Mexican territories ceded in 1848)
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  • Group of people who worked on the railroad but faced prejudice and unjust treatment. Their legacy was leaving the oldest and richest culture in the U.S.
    The Chinese
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  • In this battle, General Jackson successfully defeated the british during the War of 1812 and was considered a “hero”.
    Battle of New Orleans
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  • The practice of replacing government officials with loyal supporters of the president and his political party.
    Spoils System
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  • Brutal journey of disease and death that forced the Cherokee west to new reserved indian territory
    Trail of Tears
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  • Southern state who nullified federal law and threatened to secede the U.S
    South Carolina
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  • Economic system that had limited government interference in a business which allowed an owner to compete, produce and sell a good and receive a profit for it.
    Free Enterprise System
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