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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone Ch 12

  •  English    13     Public
    harry potter
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is a hyperbole?
    A hyperbole is a statement that is not meant to be exactly as it sounds. Exaggeration.
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  • What season was it at Hogwarts
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  • What did Draco say during Potions class?
    Harry Potter had no family.
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  • Describe what the Great Hall looks like for the Christmas festivities?
    Very decorative, many Christmas trees and candles.
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  • Why were Hermione, Ron and Harry going to the Library?
    To find out who Nicholas Flamel is.
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  • Why was Hagrid disgruntled about them finding information about Nicholas Flamel?
    He didn't want them to get hurt or in trouble.
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  • How is wizard chess different to muggle chess?
    The chess pieces can move on their own and give advice to the chess player on where to move.
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  • Why was Harry surprised on Christmas eve?
    He received Christmas presents.
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  • What present did he receive that make him feel strange?
    An invisible cloak
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  • What did Harry decide to do with his invisible cloak?
    He went to the library at night.
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  • What happened when he looked through the books
    The book screamed.
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  • What room did he stumble upon?
    The mirror of Erised.
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  • What does he see in the mirror?
    He sees his whole family.
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