Game Preview


  •  English    12     Public
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  • What is the speaker's background?
    The speaker studied genetics and dedicated a significant part of their career to studying DNA.
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  • What was the speaker's initial stance on the nature vs. nurture debate?
    The speaker initially favored the nature or genetic side of the debate.
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  • What changed the speaker's perspective on the debate?
    The fact that the speaker was pregnant with identical twins made them question their beliefs.
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  • What is epigenetics?
    Epigenetics refers to the set of instructions found above DNA and histones that affect the way cells read the genes in our DNA.
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  • What are histones?
    Histones are chains of proteins around which DNA is wrapped to compress genetic material.
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  • What is the combination of histones and DNA called?
    The combination of histones and DNA is called chromatin.
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  • What are the units of DNA that are responsible for cell instructions?
    Genes are the units of DNA that are responsible for cell instructions.
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  • What do epigenetic markers do?
    Epigenetic markers are small chemical labels on chromatin that dictate when it should compress or decompress.
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  • How can the environment affect epigenetic markers?
    The environment can affect epigenetic markers by sending chemical signals to the developing embryo through the bloodstream of the mother
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  • How can epigenetic markers be passed down from generation to generation?
    Epigenetic markers can be passed down from generation to generation if they are established in our sperm or egg cells.
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  • How are epigenetic markers related to stress tolerance in rats?
    Epigenetic markers can affect the amount of the glucocorticoid receptor gene that rat pups will develop in their brain and thereby affect how they handle stress
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  • Are epigenetic markers reversible?
    Yes, epigenetic markers are reversible, and scientists are working on developing drugs that can reverse toxic epigenetic marks to help combat disease.
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