Game Preview

Fly Guy vs the Flyswatter

  •  English    11     Public
    Questions for comprehension about the book.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Where was Fly Guy eating breakfast at the beginning of the story? a) In the garbage can. b) In Buzz's backpack. c) In the kitchen.
    b) In Buzz's backpack.
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  • What did Fly Guy say to Buzz when he flew out of his backpack? a) SURPRIZZE! b) BOO! c) HEY!
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  • While the class rode the bus to the factory, where did Fly Guy ride? a) On Buzz's head. b) In Buzz's backpack. c) In Buzz's pocket.
    c) In Buzz's pocket.
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  • What was the factory called? a) The Fantastic Flyswatter Factory b) Flyswatters R Us c) The Fabulous Flyswatter Factory
    a) The Fantastic Flyswatter Factory
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  • What was the big Fly's name? a) Tedd b) Fred c) Ned
    b) Fred
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  • Was the big fly a real fly? a) Yes, it was. b) No, it was not.
    b) No, it was not.
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  • Where did the tour guide bring the tiny fly out of? a) A can. b) A box. c) A jar.
    c) A jar.
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  • When the Super Swatter started swatting, what did Fly Guy do? a) He left the factory. b) He continued to hide in Buzz's pocket. c) He flew to the little fly and helped it.
    c) He flew to the little fly and helped it.
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  • When the Super Swatter was swatting, what sound did it make? a) Whap b) Swat c) Pop
    a) Whap
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  • What did Fred yell when the Fly Swatter swatted the whole factory? a) Stop Stop! Everyone out! No more factory tours, ever! b) Oh nooooo, my factory! c) Helpppp!
    a) Stop Stop! Everyone out! No more factory tours, ever!
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  • For the art project, what did the class make? a) A statue of Fred. b) A painting of the factory. c) They put the flyswatters together in the shape of Fly Guy.
    c) They put the flyswatters together in the shape of Fly Guy.
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