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Natural Resources and Energy Review

  • When does Newton's cradle have the most potential energy?
    when it is initially pulled back
    halfway in its downward swing
    at rest
    halfway in its upward swing
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  • True or False: Energy conversions are always 100% efficient.
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  • Why do incandescent (old fashion) light bulbs require more energy than LED (modern) light bulbs?
    more energy is converted to thermal instead of radiant
    they are larger than LED
    more energy is converted to radiant instead of thermal
    they use a 3-prong plug
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  • Why don't bouncy balls return to their starting height when dropped without an applied force?
    it should, but doesn't because gravity is acting on the ball
    friction converts kinetic energy into thermal energy
    the inertia is greater than the starting potential energy
    gravity becomes stronger near the ground
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  • What kind of resources are coal, water, and wood?
    renewable resources
    natural resources
    man-made resources
    non-renewable resources
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  • True or False: A downfall to nonrenewable resources is that they can take as long as 10 years to replenish.
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  • True or False: Fossil fuels are made from the fossils of dinosaurs and prehistoric plants.
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  • Which of the following are needed to create fossil fuels?
    heat, pressure, hundreds of years
    heat, pressure, millions of years
    heat, volume, millions of years
    cold, pressure, thousands of years
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  • How could electromagnetic induction be produced? (2 options)
    none of the above
    with electricity being applied to a magnet
    with a changing magnetic field surrounded by plastic wires
    by rotating either the metal wire or magnetic field together
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  • What is the difference in electricity generation between solar panels and power plants like wind, coal, and nuclear?
    Solar panels produce more harmful radiation than the others.
    Solar panels don't use electromagnetic induction.
    Coal, wind, and nuclear are cleaner than solar.
    Solar is non-renewable, while coal, wind, and nuclear are.
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  • Why do most power plants use turbines to generate electricity?
    to stoke the coal fire needed to generate electricity
    to create excessive amounts of static electricity
    to put heliostats in position to generate more electricity
    to make the mechanical motion for electromagnetic induction
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  • Why is it important for battery technology to improve within the alternative energy field?
    to store energy for when energy availability is lacking
    to clean the electricity from coal power plants
    they'll explode if overused
    to make electricity needed for windmills and solar to work
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  • According to the law of conservation of energy, what is the 1st energy conversion that takes place when fossil fuels are used to generate electricity?
    look directly into the sun
    stored chemical energy transforms into thermal energy
    thermal energy transforms into mechanical energy
    mechanical energy transforms into electrical energy
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  • According to the law of conservation of energy, what is the 2nd energy conversion that takes place when fossil fuels are used to generate electricity?
    stored chemical energy transforms into thermal energy
    touching fire with your bare hands
    mechanical energy transforms into electrical energy
    thermal energy transforms into mechanical energy
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  • According to the law of conservation of energy, what is the 3rd energy conversion that takes place when fossil fuels are used to generate electricity?
    mechanical energy transforms into electrical energy
    stored chemical energy transforms into thermal energy
    getting struck by lightning
    thermal energy transforms into mechanical energy
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  • How do solar thermal power plants generate electricity?
    heliostats direct thermal energy to turn water into steam
    heliostats direct light energy to turn water into steam
    PV cells absorb light energy and convert it to electrical
    PV cells absorb thermal energy and convert it to electrical
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