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Animals and Vital Functions in Animals

  •  English    21     Public
    Animals and Vital Functions in Animals
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  • What is a plane?
    A line through an object that produces a three dimensional mirror image
  •  15
  • Animals are ____________ organisms formed by ________ animal cells.
    multicellular, eukaryotic
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  • What is an example of limited growth in real life?
    Let's see what you say!
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  • What does it mean if an animal is sessile?
    Usually referring to aquatic animals, means they live their lives fixed to the seabed.
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  • Internal skeletons provide ________, and external skeletons _______ the animal
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  • If we can't divide an animal in two equal parts, that means they don't have _________ _________
    bilateral symmetry
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  • Echinoderms are animals that have _________ symmetry
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  • What is an example of an animal that is asymmetrical?
    sea sponge
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  • What are two examples of "complex systems", which are made up of cells grouped together?
    tissues, organs, and systems
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  • What is another example of an animal with radial symmetry?
    sea anemone, jellyfish, coral
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  • Come up with two characteristics that differentiate humans from other animals!
    Let's see!
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  • If an animal is heterotrophic, that means that they eat....
    other living things!
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  • Come up with three things that an herbivore might eat :)
    any different plants, vegetables, that you can think of
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  • Which eats ONLY other animals --- a carnivore, or an omnivore?
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  • If an animal mainly eats dead matter, what is that called?
    A detritivore
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  • To perform vital functions, animals need __________ and ___________
    nutrients and oxygen
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